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Vortex, a sophisticated smart home system, integrates multi-room control and personalized user access, redefining household device interaction



Room Screen

  • Active devices in quick access

  • Easy navigation to other devices

  • Provides constant awareness of user's current room and floor location in the house

  • A small photo icon next to each room's name, allowing users to view a picture of the room they are in. By pressing the icon, the image enlarges for clearer visibility.

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Floor Screen

  • Floor screen displays rooms on each floor and active devices in each room

  • One-click to turn off all devices in a room

  • Option to mark favorite rooms (heart icon) for quick access in the favorite rooms section

Profile Info Screen

  • Profile screen allows customization for each house member and guests

  • Features include changing restrictions, name, password, profile picture, and user status (admin, kids, guests)

  • User privileges and information displayed vary based on status. Admins view electricity and time usage metrics, including overall or specific devices, and monthly, weekly, or yearly data

  • Password and status management for admin users, Allowing them to modify passwords and statuses for other users based on their respective roles or statuses within the system

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Devices Screen

  • Devices screen enables adding devices to the smart home system

  • Selection of a device leads to a detailed screen allowing room assignment, picture upload, or automatic barcode recognition for device images

  • Customizable settings include naming, scheduling presets for activation, and user access restrictions

  • Option to include new devices not listed by pressing the plus icon, ensuring flexibility in expanding the system

Branding &
Style Guide


The name 'Vortex' embodies the concept of endless possibilities and innovation, aligning with the futuristic nature of our smart home system. It symbolizes the powerful yet controlled flow of technology within the home environment, reflecting our aim to revolutionize household interaction.

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Color Palette

Primary Colors

Secondary Colors


Color Gradients


UX Screens

Welcome Page

Home Page

Devices Page

Room Page

Favorite Rooms Page

Profile Page

Presets Page

Floor Page

Users Page

More Projects

Deep App

UX/UI Case Study

Duo App

UX/UI Case Study

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