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The Journey

Frame 2435.png

For this project, my goal was to conceive, research, and brand a community from the ground up.
Tasked with creating an innovative concept, I delved into the world of veganism — a journey close to my heart. I envisioned 'Tivonut',  a space where those intrigued by veganism could embark on a gradual transition.

Through extensive research, I designed an inviting platform using vibrant colors, relatable characters, and a fusion of real imagery and original illustrations.
'Tivonut' is more than a community; it evolved into a potential lifestyle brand, showcasing the journey from aspiring vegan to plant-based enthusiast, with the ultimate vision of transforming it into a hub for education, collaboration, and joyous culinary exploration.


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Frame 2419.png

Color Palate

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Frame 2447.png



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